Business Mediator

Target Group

As a mediator I work together with conflict parties especially in companies and organisations.

The diversity of staff constellations and personal needs in the business context often creates friction and problems. In most cases they can be identified, solved or controlled early enough. But if the problems escalate, degenerate into a substantial conflict and do not result in a constructive solution the damage for the course of business can be serious.

Conflicts can become visible in quite diverse ways, for example in differences regarding

  • interests or intentions of employees
  • roles and functions in companies
  • objectives of employees or of the company
  • structures in the organisation
  • relationship between employees
  • information and forms of distribution and sharing
  • cases, assessments and opinions
  • values of employees or of the company
  • distribution of (financial) resources

Often there is an opportunity to solve these differences in a constructive process by the conflict parties themselves. Compared with other methods of conflict resolution (personnel consequences, labour law etc.), mediation can prove to be more stable and less incisive for the conflict parties as well as for the company or organisation.


In the mediator role I’m obligated to both conflict parties to the same degree and normally also active in a joint and concurrent solution process. One-on-one conversations before or during the process are always possible but in reality rather an exception. The conflict parties can be assured that I will act in a neutral and balanced way at all times during the mediation.

The process of the aspired conflict resolution is influenced in duration and characteristic very much by the conflict itself as well as by the dynamics of the solution search. In principle however the mediation always follows the phases of  

  • establishing contact and agreeing upon objective, rules and framework conditions
  • describing of the conflict by the conflict parties
  • enlightening of the conflict by concentration on background and inner experience
  • developing possibilities for solution by the conflict parties
  • recording the agreement in written form
  • agreeing on a review date

My role is primarily about guiding, shaping and leading this process. The mediation is open in terms of possible results and as mediator I will not enforce or propose any solution. All the more important are the principles of a self-responsible, voluntary, self-determined and coequal participation of the conflict parties in the mediation.

As a basic principle absolute confidentiality will be stipulated for all parties of the conflict resolution process. If further individuals are involved in the periphery of the mediation (e.g. initiative of mediation, contracting, consequences of solution), the conflict parties will decide exclusively and jointly which information in what form should be passed on.


In particular I support conflicting parties with respect to the following subjects:

Conflicts Between Managers

Conflicts Between Manager and Employee

Conflicts Within Teams And Working Groups

Conflicts Between Management Board And Work Council

Conflicts Within Committees Of Employee Representation

Conflicts Between Customer And Contractor

Conflicts Between Departments / Divisions


During the process of conflict resolution I will create a trustful, neutral and balanced relationship to both conflicting parties. This is so regardless of who took the initiative for the mediation or who is involved in the organisational arrangement. The duration of the mediation process depends on the type, complexity and dynamic of the conflict, is often carried out in several steps and the total expenditure is estimated at the beginning of the mediation.

Date and time of the sessions is always agreed in accordance with all conflicting parties. In the case of a resulting conflict resolution and a general agreement a review date can be arranged.

Often the mediation takes place in the joint office of the conflicting parties, wherever applicable. Otherwise external rooms can be used upon request (see Contact).

I work for customers both in Germany and in an international context and the working language is German or English. 

I would be happy to answer any further questions via the specified lines of contact.